Real Estate and Leases

The Bell Firm is fortunate to represent a number of real estate developers and commercial real estate owners. Attorney Bell has extensive experience in dealing with all aspects of real estate development including negotiation of purchase and sale agreements and leases, and tax issues relating to commercial transactions and commercial real estate. Attorney Bell has worked with his clients to negotiate a number of transactions with national and international businesses.
Attorney Bell is also adept at forward like-kind exchanges, reverse like-kind exchanges, and other similar vehicles designed to reduce and/or defer income taxes in connection with real estate transactions.
Attorney Bell has worked on development of shopping malls, office buildings, industrial buildings, and condominiums throughout the State of Maine. He has also advised clients on numerous projects in Central Maine designed to bring tax dollars and jobs to the community.
"Ninety percent of all millionaires became so through owning real estate"
"The major fortunes in America have been made in land."